Monday 7 May 2012

Poulet et champignons dans une sauce au vin blanc (Chicken & Mushroom in a white wine sauce)

Many apologies for not posting is my list of completely real and relevant excuses:

1/ I'm coming to the end of my Degree and things are starting to get hectic.
2/ An amazing business opportunity is absorbing all my attention.
3/ As a result of this I have very little time to keep up with my regular gym visits.
4/ ...this combined with Rachel Khoo enlightening my life with the art of good cooking (and thus eating) is starting to show on my waistline!

What was it my boyfriend Sam said to me today? "What happened to your chiseled abs?"
Well, if I'm honest I'm more flattered to find out that i once HAD chiseled abs than I am upset because i now don't!

But still...maybe i need to focus on some of those salad recipe's now...

One of the his first concerns when we were first dating was whether i could cook or not.
I disappointed him!
But that never stopped me trying, and i think we'll all agree that it's unusual for students to have a nack for cooking...and cooking well! So here's hoping my chicken and mushroom in white wine sauce went down well.

This recipe sounded very complicated but actually it's very simple and very quick. It takes about 45 minutes prep and cooking time and its all done in two pans sitting side by side on your hob. My step mum used to cook this dish and i have to say, she cooked it to perfection. It came very near to the close and personal relationship that i have with my Dad's lasagne. Rachel (step mum) used to cook the chicken breasts whole whereas Rachel  (Khoo)chops them into large chunks. Both taste equally delicious but I think it cooks quicker the Paris Kitchen way and allows for maximum sauce coverage! 

The Bechamel Queen is challenged with another sauce! I'm starting to learn that creating the perfect consistency of sauce is all about the whisking tools and the timing: take off the hob, allow to cool, add this, heat on the hob, simmer gently...Usually, with cooking instructions you have a bit of lee-way to experiment. With sauces, it's a really good idea to try and be perfectly exact with timing as well as ingredients. And with stirring method also! (Did i mention before how we tried whipping up egg yolks into stiff white peaks with a hot chocolate whisk?! Thankfully i had the initiative to go out and buy a human sized one after that painful evening.)

Rachel Khoo's recipe really is quite simple and easy to follow here. Just make sure you have all your ingredients measured up and prepared before you start cooking: timings are essential!

Have we lost Julia on this one? I think...whilst I'm extra busy getting fat, she's extra extra busy working out and expanding her career as a fitness instructor. Could this be a one woman challenge? Did we have a deadline? No...okay, lets not make one.

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